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Relief work in Macademia projects

Relief work program update of March 27 2022.

We have been doing it together as a relief team of committed agents who strive to contribute our expertise to impart specialised knowledge in each other through ideas,  resources, links and IoT resources. We have been doing this since 2018 through different procedures and methodologies. One of these is through visiting different enterprenuers in their work place. In this article, we are going to take you through our visit findings in one of our inner circle enterprenuers in Agri~based projects. 

Today, one of our relief agent visted young enterprenuers in the highlands of Zimbabwe, Chipinge distric, who are into Macademia farming projects. During the vist, our team have been analysing missing links to their projects, so that we can intervene with relief strategies. We have found that adding ICT resources and IoT procedures to their project would fuel up project research improvements and access to effective information on how to progress their daily activities in the farm. We have also assist with premium web~based links where they might find useful resources on how to improve their Macademia projects. 

In addition to that, we have connect their projects with related partners who are doing the same. After a few hours of accessing their life work, we have asked them related questions that will add to our Capital Growth Movement program and they have shared with us great insights on how to raise and grow capital. They have shared with us sources and procedures on how they have been raising capital to launch Macademia projects. We are so greatful because we have add to our library, strategies and a set of tactics which can be used to raise and grow capital. 

Adding to those strategies, there is an opportunity for youth to partner with us if they would like to raise and grow capital. All those who are willing and able to visit us in the highlands can come and practise in Hotculture projects to raise and grow capital for their dream life projects and businesses for free without paying to use land and water, but to partner with us in this project for shares.

Our relief team is always keen to analyse enterprenuer`s work with an aim to assist in production procedures, marketing strategies, ICT opportunities and cost effective techinics in operations. As for today`s relief program, we have discussed a lot of strategies to reduce costs and raise profit. For instance, we have deduce ideas that will reduce maintance costs of Macademia plants through implementation of horticulture activities that should be carried in their plots, so as to increase aeration in the soil, without paying those who are going to do the work, since they are going to make profits on their own from horticulture activities and return income to the owners. Inspite of paying workers, we should partner with them to create more profits. 

Our objective is to apply this value innovation strategy across the entire network of our inner circle enterprenuers who agree to partner with us. Across the entire organisational structure, our team will be accessing factors to eliminate, introduce, increase and reduce cost factors so as to create blue ocean opportunities.


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