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How to improve your advertising

Whether you own a business or you are an entrepreneur, or maybe a hustler, our aim as we post adverts on WhatsApp groups or on Facebook is to attract clients and make some sales. However, did you know some of the mistakes that we do during the process?

This article is going to analyse such mistakes and consider a way forward.

Spamming Social platforms

Spamming is when you send adverts in social groups without the permission, will either welcomed or not. This act is very common among us as advertisers, however we all know the consequences if we do send in social groups with specific aims and objectives, we might end up being blocked or removed from those platforms, which might result in brand image distortion. 

In trying to find solutions to those problems, a lot of advertisers created advertising groups, where anyone can send spam adverts without being restricted. But i need you to think about it, did you know that most of the participants who join such platforms do it with an intention of promoting their products not to find consumer products?

It cost a lot these days to be online, so a lot of social media users are becoming rational, they want to maximize their data bundles, so it is most likely that, they avoid such groups, they only join interesting social media groups where they can be entertained. 

So creating groups for adverts will mainly attract advertisers not consumers. If you would like to see what I’m talking about, after sending your adverts, i need you to wait for few minutes, after a while, go on and navigate through the group settings >> information to check on statistics, i need you to realize the number of viewers and compare it to the number of participates in the group, you can express it in percentage of viewers. 

You can see that spamming brings very low response rate, your messages will be received by all participates, those who are interested in your offer and those who are not. The greater part of the receivers would not even look at your spam adverts. 

Take a look at the following statistics from the department of Digital Markets Development carried at Tuta life.

From the data collected above, you can see that we have 2 groups.

Group A 

This is a social group, where entrepreneurs discuss about strategies to improve their businesses. Sending of Spam messages is highly prohibited and advertising is only allowed during the weekend. 

We have sent a message in this group and wait for 30 minutes to determine the number of views. We have checked and realize that 84 of 257 managed to view that message, which translate to 34% impression. 

Group B. 

This is an advertising group, where every member is allowed to share whatever content. There is no time to discuss with one another in this group, there is no time to socialize, only advertising. 

We have do the same, sending a message and wait for 30 minutes to determine the number of views. After 30 minutes we have realized that 10 of 219 participate managed to open that group. We don`t know, maybe those who opened that group during that time do it to drop their adverts, why ?, because we have seen 10 adverts during those 30 minutes. So the impression rate translate to 4.5% in this group.

We have concluded that there is 30% variance of impression between these groups. 

How to solve this kind of problem?

In spite of adverting, you must educate, engage and socialize with people so as to increase your impression rate. Do some research to identify your dream client, once you determine your dream client, create social platforms to attract their interests. Then start to engage with your circle, create information products that paints your products and give it to them, find ways to mix your adverts with your teachings. One way of doing this is by taking your products as examples in your illustrations. [+263788312267] 

You can also resolve such issues by creating free digital products. Learn more on how to create and distribute your digital products here [+263788312267]. You can supply these products for free so as to attract more traffic, we can partner up with you for more traffic. 

Disadvantages of spamming groups

#1 They lack effective communication 

One way to check if your adverts might attract clients is the rate at which clients react to your messages. The number of views, likes, shares, comments, engagements and recommendation shows that your message has successfully reached desired customers. 

However the downside with Spamming platforms is the fact that, there are few factors which shows that your adverts reached your dream client. If no one replies to your adverts, then how could you realize that they have successfully seen your messages?

#2 Poor Branding

Building up your own brand name is very important indeed. How did you do that ?, obvious we have a lot of techniques that must be applied, which we cannot achieve if we continue to drop our adverts in Spam groups. 

Your brand must talk to your clients, your brand must be memorized by your clients, your customers must feel proud of your brand name, so how could you achieve all this in Spamming groups ?, if you are ready to build your brand-name, we can help, get in touch with us on WhatsApp here [+263788312267]. 

#3 Trending Scams

As the number of service providers advertising via social media platforms grow rapidly, consumers are more and more concerned about their security and privacy issues. 

The way you run your adverts must be different from the way scamers do their business. You should not find your clients in platforms where scams spread their baits to attract victims!

Once the platform blackmailed, it`s most likely that even your brand can be associated or few clients may continue to trust any advert from such groups.   


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