What do you want to do when you grow up?
This question is so crucial in carrier guidance to early child development. In this current system of education, teachers attempt to discuss this issue with students but without an intention to impart practical motivation so that students could pursue with their dreams.
For many years, students like me always try to apply every concept to my earlier dreams, and it's applicability was an assumption, not a specific, practical solution to enhance motivation to my dreams.
What problem/s would you like to solve when you grow up, among the societies?
New line of education shall rephrase this question in such a specific way. At ECD, students should be introduced to real life problems among us, they should be taught that the main reason why they require education is to aquire specialised skills and knowledge that we require to solve our problems and to enhance value innovation in utilisation of natural resources.
This exercise should be the main reason to graduate from the ECD level, it should not be a mare question that teachers discuss with students for some minutes or hours, but should be their journey for 2 years, until students realise that among human societies exist problems that they should solve with their specialised skills and knowledge aquired from their studies in the near future.
Students should not be barred from trying out their solutions into practice, as soon as primary level. They should be introduced to commercial experiments at early stages.
At early stages, students should be specialists, with an increasing number of problems, our systems should concentrate on producing specialists from their classrooms, rather than producing generalists.
We are moving fast into a world where a lot more people should be problem solvers rather than an employee or an assistant. Our problems are growing at a faster rate than solutions that we know or capacity of capital and technologies that we have.
This new line of education system should not be a cost, it should be a source of capital and human enterprise. Students should spend much time in research fields and experiment stations.
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