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African mindset

Africa is not poor at all, but according to my own findings, approximately 97% of African mindset is poor. I have recently contacted my own survey on social media aimed at extracting data from African activities online, their reasons to be online as well as things they support, people they follow and social media platforms they follow, liked and share. 

My own research reveals four things that contributes Africa to be among poor continents in the world, with less invention, value innovation and entrepreneurship. 

1. Large population of Africans is not enjoying the process of acquiring  practical skills required to enhance invention, start ups and entrepreneurship.

Recently, ZIMSEC officials introduced a continuous assessment programme called CALA, this programme was supposed to impart critical problem skills in students. CALA incorporates practical activities such as data collection through interviews, questionnaires, checklist, observation and experiments. However to my surprise I have realised that almost 99% of Advanced students studying commercials said that programme is not even friendly, it's  difficult and time consuming, other students said that programme makes their lives so difficult. 

If you could take a deep look into critical steps that leads us towards innovation and invention of new solutions you can find that, those practical activities implied by the CALA programme are too significant in the process. 

On the other hand, I have researched views, likes and comments on YouTube videos, about Alibaba`s Jack Ma`s lessons for African entrepreneurs, and I have compared that video with Wink-D Reply (Official Video). To my surprise again,  I have realised that a lot of people enjoyed entertainment more than entrepreneurship.

Our own people enjoy free risk life, our own people are not even willing to participate in those activities that leads us to invention, innovation and enterprise start ups. That is the main reason why Africa consists a lot of under-utilised resources and few inventions. There is need to impart serious mentorship aimed at transforming our own mindset.

2. They Avoid Risks.

History reveals that all great inventions are products of risk doing activities. If we could take a look at Elon Musk, he's a believer in taking risks, but after all, he is the greatest source of invention of this generation, from electric cars to Astra Nova.

So without taking risks, how could we invent big things ?, without taking risks how could we execute value innovation to increase resource utility of our own rivers and mountains?. Our content is full of people who avoids the risk of failure by all means, I was motivated by Thomas Edison's interview concerning his failures in bulb invention, he didn't say that was failing, he said "a bulb was an invention with 1000 steps"!

Africa must born at least 10% of it's population, people with such hearts. If we are to succeed in invention, value innovation and enterprise start-ups, our own mindset must be heavily influenced. At the moment, I'm working on a number of experiments aimed at crafting new line of Education system that could impart practical specialised knowledge that we require to solve current problems in Africa. That work is not even sweet at all, I have to vist difficult places around Africa, mountains, forest and rivers so as to collect required data in order to craft such a system. With an increasing rate of latest problems facing our planet, there is a lot to be done, otherwise we could all die.

3. Employment Syndrome among us. 

I have been influencing a lot of Advanced Commercial students to pursue their studies with an intention to start their own enterprises after school,  but to my surprise, 97% of students prefer to join existing organisations as employees not as entrepreneurs.

The main reason behind that pertains to fear of failure, they are not prepared to take risks, all they want is to acquire some certificates so that they could add up to their CV`s. It's not bad though, but our latest risk as a continent is that, foreigners are overtaking ownership of infrastructure, ownership of natural resources and ownership of those enterprises which we wish to join after school.

That is why I have invest in practical steps towards creating another system of education where we could train inventors, entrepreneurs as well as risk takers. The world is changing in general,  our mindset must be heavily influenced into those things before global catastrophes swipe out our races from the system. 

4. Entertainment. 

In Africa, we have a large following of Sport and Music than entrepreneurship and invention. That is not good for us, we need to reach balanced levels, how could we influence this generation that time is not on our side to invest our precious resources into entertainment that entrepreneurship??

Our organisation is actively looking for those who are willing to participate in experiments, invention and entrepreneurship. We have a lot of resources in Africa, we were supposed to be the supper power on this planet, but our continent is full of weak mindset. We need a team, a team of committed players. 

We should not by all means expect great inventions from political leaders, 96 % of invention around the world doesn't come from that side, invention originates with you.


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